Friday, September 22, 2006

Where's Mini?

Life has been getting pretty crazy so I haven't had much time for anything! Even the Mox misses me. DH was taking her out for her evening walk the other day when she came running back up the stairs. (She usually rushes as soon as we say "Let's Go".) Turns out she was trying to herd me so I would come along. I guess she misses me walking her in the evenings. So cute eh?

Here's my typical schedule:

7.00am: Rise and Try to Shine
7.45am: Jump into car and drive to school
8.30 - 10.00 am: Try to stay awake in first class
10.20 - 11.45 am: Second class + much needed coffee
12.00 - 1.00pm: Club Meeting + Lunch
1.00 - 2.30 pm: Quick lunch and catch up on email and cases
2.30 -4.00 pm: Class again
4.00 - 5.00pm: Recitation
5.00 pm - 7.00pm: Team Meeting
7.30 - 8.30 pm: Prepare Dinner
8.30 - 9.30 pm: Eat and catch up on some tv
9.30 - ?: Homework and Shower

And this is when I don't have to stay late for other activities like talks etc. My new bedtime averages 1.30am. For someone needing at least 8 hrs of sleep a day, 1.30 is like really late for me!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Swamped Thing

I am pressed for time and SWAMPED :( Just some random ramblings since it's more fun than reading zzzzzz

- I have no time for anything!! *BOOHOO*
- Apparently the 40k tuition includes some major ass kissing
- I am one vain mf. I lug my laptop and books to school in a 3 tonne tote bag?!?!
- I feel like Hermione Granger in a classroom full of Hermione Grangers. Class participation be damned!
- I am sick of meeting new people ... help!
- I am never going to finish my readings ...double help!
- I have no idea what I wanna be when I grow up ... triple help!
- I hate perky people

The Rents were in Town

Been mad busy with preterm, orientation and the parents in town. EEKS where have my vacation days gone? We did some touring of New England since they've already seen Boston. Drove to Rockport for lobster and Gloucester (of The Perfect Storm fame) the first weekend. Went to P-town on the cape the second weekend. I've always liked provincetown. I even found an art gallery I loved. Poli does great pieces with dogs. I am so lemming a custom painting of Moxie and us on the beach!

MMM Lobster! What trip is complete without it ...
Mmmm lobster!

I'm teaching them to start their own blog :)
The Rents at Rockport

The rents also spoiled Moxie silly. Oh yeah and us too. We didn't have to walk the dog or cook or clean. *sigh*